
Hobbs Family

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What a great day we have today 🌞🌞
Sun is shining and I can hear the bees are pollinating 🐝🐝 what more could a girl want!
Here are some photos of the blossoms and a view of the Clutha River from the bottom of the river block 🌸🌸 And of course a couple of my cats πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆ

Planting out new trees, finishing the last of the pruning and general orchard tidying are on the agenda for this month.
Frost-fighting hasn’t begun yet but will start soon enough 😳

Later on next month we will be getting into thinning 😊
I will post more photos later.
Remember you can email/txt/ring anytime for fruit recipes.
Hope everyone is well as we are 😊😊

Splendour apples will be available on the Fruit Stall as from tomorrow 🍎🍎 They are a lovely eating and dessert apple.

Golden Delicious apples are now finished – Red Delicious will be available until the end of next week.

Still have a plentiful supply of Braeburn apples. πŸ‘

Granny Smith apples will be available from next Thursday. They are a heritage variety and are also they are a popular cooking apple and eating apple. Both Granny Smith and Braeburn are long keepers 🍎🍏

Quinces are still available too – I have had a few customers ask for Sandra’s (Mum) Quince jelly recipe so here it is below.


Sandra’s Quince Jelly Recipe

2-5kg Quinces

Wash and cut quinces into chunks…do not peel or core.

Place the chunks in a preserving pan or large pot and add water to just cover the fruit…if you add too much water, scoop it out.

Bring to the boil and simmer until it is a thick, soft pulp…. this should take about an hour.

Stir with a wooden spoon often.

Don’t worry if it takes longer….patience is required.

Once cooked, strain through a jelly bag.

Do not be impatient and squeeze the jelly bag as this will cause the jelly to become cloudy.

A clear jelly looks gorgeous in the jars.

Bring the measured juice to the boil and add sugar gradually…..for every 1 cup juice, add 1 cup sugar.

Stir continually over a moderate heat until sugar is dissolved.

Then bring to a rolling boil until setting point is reached.

To test put a little jelly on a cold saucer…leave to cool slightly.

If set it will wrinkle when touched and if you run your finger through it, the gap will remain open.

Pour jelly into clean sterilised jars* and seal.

*To sterilise, place clean jars into the oven at 120C for 30 minutes.


Sending out all varieties of apples and also quinces – in 10kg and 15kg boxes. Happy to do mixed boxes of fruit – if you would like a box contact me on 027 288 6090 to place an order.

Remember we are open 7am-9pm everyday and we only sell what we grow.

We have freshly picked Red Delicious, Golden Delicious and Braeburn apples available on the Fruit Stall 🍎🍎🍏🍏

All apple varieties are lovely for eating – the best varieties for cooking as well are Golden Delicious and Braeburn – Braeburn are also long keepers. I grew up with bottled Golden Delicious apples. A bowl of apples and hot custard is still a firm favourite of mine 😁

Quinces are still available so there’s still time for making jelly, paste, preserving or bake them in the Oven with honey or brown sugar…..Yum.

The change in the weather over the past few days has certainly been noticeable – hard to believe it is nearly mid-April..this year is going so fast! 😳

Despite it only being 10 degrees, there is no rain on the forecast – a relief as Sam and the team are once again picking apples and quinces later this afternoon.

Tomorrow looks to be a nice day with sunshine and a high of 16 degrees in the afternoon 🌞🌞

Still taking Courier Orders for apples and quinces.

I send out in 10kg and 15kg boxes – PM or contact me on 027 288 6090 for more details. You’ll like our prices 😊

Remember we are Open every Day from 7am-9pm and we only sell what we grow. 🌞🌝🍎🍎😊

Quinces, Red Delicious and Braeburn apples are available on the Fruit Stall along with Golden Delicious apples and Beurre Bosc Pears 🍎🍏🍐🍎🍏

Royal Gala apples are still available – they will be finished by the end of the week.🍎🍎

Granny Smith apples and Splendour apples will be available later in the month.

All apple varieties are great for eating….. Braeburn and Golden Delicious are also lovely for cooking.


Quinces are great for cooking, making jelly, paste,chutney,etc. πŸ˜‹

Sending out pears, quinces and apples in 10kg and 15kg boxes – happy to do mixed boxes as well.

Pm/contact me on 027 288 6090 for all queries or to place an order. πŸ‘

Remember we are open from 7am-9pm every day and we only sell what we grow. 😊😊🍐🍎

One of my kittens went missing for 20 minutes this morning – found him! 😁😁😺

Freshly picked Royal Gala and Golden delicious apples and Beurre Bosc pears are available on the Stall. Golden Delicious is great for both eating and cooking – one of Sandra’s favourite apples 🍏

Braeburn and red delicious apples and quinces will be available from next weekend. 🍎

No more rain predicted on the forecast – supposed to be a high of 19 degrees today 🌞

Call me anytime 027 288 6090 for all queries.

Remember we are open 7am-9pm and we only sell what we grow.

We have freshly picked Royal Gala, Cox’s Orange apples and Beurre Bosc pears available on the Fruit Stall 🍎🍎🍐🍐

Golden Delicious apples are also now available as from today 🍏🍏🌞 – this variety is great for eating, dehydrating, cooking, and is also one of Sandra’s (Mum) favourites apples for bottling πŸ˜‹

Quinces are still a couple of weeks away as well as braeburn apples. Will keep you updated when the other apple varieties are ready.πŸ‘

Due to Otago Anniversary Day today, and Easter starting this week, the only day I will be sending out courier orders is tomorrow, Tuesday 26th March.

Get in touch if you would like a box of fruit couriered to your door or if you enquire about freight prices,etc.. I can send all varieties of apples as well as pears.

Contact me on 027 288 6090 anytime for all queries.

Open from 7am – 9pm every day πŸŒžπŸŒœπŸŒœβ˜€οΈ

Fruit Update – Saturday – 16 March

Beurre Bosc pears are available on the Fruit Stall in 5 kg bags. 🍐🍐

A great eating pear – also great for bottling, poaching, baking, etc.

We have a plentiful supply of Royal Gala and Cox’s Orange apples – available in 5kg and 10kg bags…..freshly picked daily by Sam & the team.

Both are delicious for eating.🍎🍎

Cox’s Orange are also great for cooking, chutney, jelly and Worcestershire Sauce.

Omega plums are coming to an end – will have them available until early next week – gale force winds over the past two weeks certainly played a part in getting them off the trees – just not into crates as I had intended! 😳😳

I still have spaces next week for courier orders – sending apples out in 10kg and 15kg boxes – get in touch if you would like to order a box or would like to enquire about pricing, etc.πŸ‘

Golden Delicious apples will be ready towards the end of the month, with other apple varieties still to come on 🍎🍏

Quinces are still a little bit away.

Call me on 027 288 6090 for any queries you have or a weather update – yesterday’s weather was rather miserable here! Today it looks like we will get to a high of 18 degrees – rain is only due to come in tonight.

Remember we are open from 7am-9pm every day and we only seΔΊl what we grow.

Fruit Update……29 February…6:45pm

What a beautiful day! 🌞🌞

The sun is still shining brightly and the temperature is sitting at 23 degrees.

Our Black Doris plums will be finished by the end of the weekend.

There is also a small amount of Bon Chretien pears left on the Stall 🍐

Omega plums will be available on the Stall as from tomorrow.

Also known as George Wilson, they have a delicious juicy red flesh with a speckled red skin. πŸ‘

A very old variety……great for preserving, cooking, freezing, eating, sauce, chutney, etc…..and we freeze them using the free-flow method for smoothies…… long keepers as well.

Cox’s Orange apples will also be available in 5kg and 10kg bags as from tomorrow morning…. great for eating, cooking, preserving, etc. They are a bit tartish …some kids love them while others wait impatiently for a freshly picked Royal Gala apple, which are about a week away 🍎

Courier orders for both Omega and Cox’s Orange will commence next week – sending out in 5kg, 10kg and 15kg boxes. πŸ“¦

Get in touch if you would like to place a courier order – I send out every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Contact me, Ruby on 027 288 6090 for all queries, weather updates, etc.

Remember we are open from 7am-9pm every day and we only sell what we grow. You’ll like our prices.

Fruit Update – Friday 23 February

Bon Chretien pears will be finished by Tuesday…..selling them in 5kg and 10kg bags 🍐

We still have a plentiful supply of Black Doris plums – available in assorted bags and boxes.

Omega plums will begin end of next week.

The very last of the Red Gravenstein apples are on the Fruit Stall today. 🍎

Sam tells me the Cox’s Orange apples are a week away and he will begin picking the Royal Gala apples on 5 March…..πŸŽπŸ˜ƒ

Will keep you posted…..

Another lovely day here 😊😊

Call/txt me on 027 288 6090 for any queries.

Remember we are open from 7am – 9pm every day and we only sell what we grow.

Update – Saturday 17 February

Apricots are now finished.

On the Fruit Stall we have boxes and bags of Purple King plums, Bon Chretien pears🍐🍐and Small bags of Red Gravenstein apples 🍎 our first apple of the season.

Black Doris plums are also available on the Stall as of today.

In boxes/bags – great for Jam, sauce, bottling – eating, etc – so easy to freeze – halve and freeze in freezer bags – cook from frozen – stewed plums and hot custard during winter is an inexpensive convenient dessert….or stewed plums and muesli for breakfast – stewed plums with ice cream/yoghurt – the list goes on…muffins…cakes….crumbles πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Still taking courier orders for both Pears and Black Doris – sending them out in 5kg, 10kg and 15kg boxes. Contact me if you have any queries or would like to place an order.

If you are passing through and wanting a large amount off the Stall, you can pre-order and we will organise it for you.

Our Luisa plums were decimated by the winds during the week as were the Hawera plums 😲😳😳

Very disappointing to say the least!

Thankfully the Black Doris were not affected.

Cox’s Orange apples will now start in the first week in March – unseasonal weather has caused this delay.

Royal Gala will be a week later🍎🍎

All the other apple varieties are looking good as are the Quinces.

Contact me on 027 288 6090 for all queries.

Remember we are open 7am-9pm every day and we only sell what we grow.

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