
Hobbs Family

Good Friends

We had a great catch up with some wonderful friends of ours yesterday.

Our dear friend Katrina and her lovely little granddaughter Neveah.


Ruby and Neveah


Ruby, Kimmie and Sam

More Bottling!!

Ruby’s been on another bottling spree (she definately takes after Mum!)!
She found some empty jars in the storage shed so for the past few days she and our friend Anne have been bottling every spare piece of fruit they could get their hands on.

They had an absolute ball!!

Here’s a photo of the result:

Ruby and Anne’s bottling

And here’s a nice photo I took of the girls out the front of the Stall.

Ruby Hobbs and Anne Van Zweeden

We Have Delicious Apples!!

We now have Red Delicious and Golden Delicious Apples available on the Stall in 10kg and 5kg bags for $10 and $5.

The Red Delcious Apple is one of the most widely cultivated Apple varieties in the world.
It is an excellent eating Apple and has a lovely flavour.
First cultivated in 1880 in Iowa, USA.

The Golden Delicious Apple is a wonderful old cooking Apple.
It’s great for bottling, saucing, stewing and pretty much anything you need a cooking Apple for!
First cultivated in 1905 in Virginia, USA.

Tree – Ripened Coxs Orange Available Now!!

Our Coxs Orange Apples are now at the tree ripened stage.
The are lovely and sweet but still have some good crunch.

We also have lovely sweet, crunchy Royal Gala Apples.

All our Apples are sold in 5kg or 10kg bags for $5 or $10.

Crunchy Royal Gala Apples Available Now!

We’ve now got crunchy, delicious Royal Gala Apples available on the Fruit Stall in 5kg bags for $5.

We also have yummy tree-ripened Coxs Orange Apples available in both 10kg ($10) and 5kg ($5) bags.

Royal Gala Starting Tomorrow

We will be starting our Royal Gala Apples tomorrow.
They will be available on the Stall in 5kg bags for $5.


Here’s a picture of one of Mum’s cute little garden ornaments (one of my personal favourites!) that I thought I’d share with you.
As most of you know my mother loves her gardens!!! Hard to believe she started them here 22 years ago and ever since then they have been in a constant state of evolution.