
Fruit Update- Friday – 9 February

Over the next few days we will have the very last of our apricots which are picked on a daily basis.

Clutha Gold are a delicious apricot – the taste of a Moorpark with the skin of a Sundrop.

Good quality 2nd Grade boxes are available daily until finished.

PYO Moorpark and Stevens Favourite apricots are still all go and will continue until they finish – all ladder work…

Purple King plums are available as from today.

Sweet and juicy, yellow flesh with a purple skin.

A great eating plum and are also used for cooking.

Billington plums – red flesh – are on the stall for jam, eating, sauce. This variety was affected by the weather so they are very small this season.

Bon Chretien Pears – also known as Bartlett and Williams Bon Chretien – will be on the Fruit Stall as from tomorrow-Saturday – Sam intends to start the pick tonight.🍐🍐

They must be ripened off the tree as this is when they develop their lovely flavour so are picked when slightly green….. great for eating and bottling.

Red Gravenstein – Heritage – are an early season apple which ripens in Summer 🍎🍎 – on the Fruit Stall as from early next week – very crisp and very tart so are mostly used for cooking. Great for chutney, jelly, pies or ‘custard and stewed apples’ which I was introduced to as a very young child which I still love to this very day 😊 (thanks Mum).

Black Doris plums are about 10-14 days away.

Hawera and Luisa plums are about 10-14 days away.

Cox’s Orange apples are about 3 weeks away.

Royal Gala about 4 weeks away.

Today is a lovely day with tomorrow looking very disappointing at this stage 😳 however – Sunday – Monday – Tuesday and Wednesday look great!

Call me anytime on 027 288 6090 for all queries.

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