
Fruit Update – Saturday – 16 March

Beurre Bosc pears are available on the Fruit Stall in 5 kg bags. 🍐🍐

A great eating pear – also great for bottling, poaching, baking, etc.

We have a plentiful supply of Royal Gala and Cox’s Orange apples – available in 5kg and 10kg bags…..freshly picked daily by Sam & the team.

Both are delicious for eating.🍎🍎

Cox’s Orange are also great for cooking, chutney, jelly and Worcestershire Sauce.

Omega plums are coming to an end – will have them available until early next week – gale force winds over the past two weeks certainly played a part in getting them off the trees – just not into crates as I had intended! 😳😳

I still have spaces next week for courier orders – sending apples out in 10kg and 15kg boxes – get in touch if you would like to order a box or would like to enquire about pricing, etc.👍

Golden Delicious apples will be ready towards the end of the month, with other apple varieties still to come on 🍎🍏

Quinces are still a little bit away.

Call me on 027 288 6090 for any queries you have or a weather update – yesterday’s weather was rather miserable here! Today it looks like we will get to a high of 18 degrees – rain is only due to come in tonight.

Remember we are open from 7am-9pm every day and we only seĺl what we grow.

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